Frequently Asked Questions during the year
Frequently Asked Questions during the year
- What are school opening and closing times?
- Opening: 7:30 am
- Closing: 3:30 pm
- What do I do if my child is late to school?
- If your child is late to school, please inform the section director as soon as possible.
- What do I do if I am going to late in collecting my child?
- Please inform the school administration so your child is kept safely in the school until pickup.
- Can I send someone else to pick up my child?
- You must inform the school via SMS if someone else is going to pick up your child.
- How do I report my child's absence from school?
- Infor the section direct.
- When are the school holidays?
- Follow the school’s calendar
- Can I take my child on holiday during term time?
- The term holidays are usually of one week long
- How will I be informed if there is an enforced school closure?
- Follow our media channels and School App and WhatsApp messages of any enforced closure.
- How long do the children get to eat breakfast?
- The breakfast is served early in the morning and takes 20 minutes
- How long do the children get to eat lunch?
- The lunch is served around 11- 12 and usually takes 40 minutes
- Is drinking water available?
- Drinking water is available in the canteen for a fee.
- What should I put in my child's packed lunch?
- Healthy food
- Its my child birthday, can I send in sweets/treats?
- You need to arrange this with section director.
- Can I buy extra school uniform?
- Yes you can.
- What happens if my child comes school without uniform?
- Students are not allowed to access the school without uniform. However, if a student missed wear the uniform they might admitted if they purchase one
- Can my child wear jewelry in school?Jewelry is not allowed in the school.
- What do I do if my child is prescribed medication?
- Please inform the school’s nurse right away
- What happens if my child has a medical/dental appointment?
- You can ask for a leave from the section director.
- How long before my child can return to school after an illness?
- It depends on what the doctor says.
- What happens if my child has an accident at school?
- The school will provide first aids. If require, the child will be directed to a hospital.
- Can I park at the school?
- It is not allowed to park inside the school. Visitors need to park outside the school.
- What do I do if I need to see a teacher?
- You need to contact the section director to have an appointment.
- How can parents get involved?
- Parents feedback is important to us. You can reach the school easily either in person or through or contact channels.
- How do you communicate with parents?
- We reach parents through WhatsApp and through the school’s App.
- How will my child be able to contribute their views?
- The students can freely discuss any matters with their supervisors or teachers. If required, they can talk to the administration.
- What should I do if I am worried about my child's progress?
- You can always discuss your child’s progress with the section directors.
- What if my child can't speak English?
- The children with English language issues will be provided with English language support.
- How is my child prepared for moving on to High School?
- The student will be well prepared to easily move to the high school.
- How is my child prepared for moving on to High School?
- The student will be well prepared to easily move to the high school.
- How is my child prepared for moving on to High School?
- The student will be well prepared to easily move to the high school.
- How can I protect my child when using new technology?
- You need to keep your children until your supervision when using technology.
- Where do I go to locate lost Property?
- The school will check the cameras if found it will be kept with the administration
- What clubs are there?
- A variety of clubs it depends on the grades.
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